Technology is a tool that everyone can use in any area of work or leisure. Smart City Devices can help you achieve tasks more efficiently and are designed to ease the processes related to public safety, traffic, and environmental issues. The true sign of a smart city is its adoption of devices that help everything stay connected and work together (i.e lights, sensors, meters, scanners) to collect and analyse data – while also using that data to improve current infrastructure and plan new developments in public spaces/utilities.
Smart City Devices
Electronic Roadside Devices
When looking at major cities all around the globe, traffic is a priority topic for nearly every single one. When cities have centres, and a limited amount of ways to enter those spaces, congestion is bound to occur. Electronic Roadside Devices (ERDs) cover a broad range of devices that are used in conjunction to provide both real-time and historical data which can help make adjustments to improve traffic flow – optimising existing networks to reduce congestion or planning new networks to open up new traffic flows.
Technical Service / Software
Our big focus and major offering is the ability to quantify, collect and analyse large scales of data, producing digestible formats that allow clients to make informed and effective decisions relating to their current infrastructure and future plans. This comes from the products we use, the way we collect data, and how we display that data. It’s extremely important in today’s ever-evolving world that we are data driven and delivering quality solutions to today’s problems.